Pam Lippert became the Friendly Valley Painter in 2020.

Pam started her career as an educator, teaching elementary students in South Dakota a 45 minute drive from the farm where she grew up and learned the value of hard work.

When she married her highschool sweetheart (Harrison), his career and education changes meant frequent moves. Pam got a lot of practice turning a new house into a new home, often with the help of a few coats of paint.

After bouncing around the midwest, Pam, Harrison, and kids settled down in Steamboat Rock, IA where she home-schooled her children. In 2020 when the youngest graduated home-schooling to attend high-school, Pam needed a new challenge to stay busy and satisfy her farm-raised work ethic.

She decided to put her decades of painting and home-making experience to use, helping others create beautiful, peaceful spaces they can fill with with friends, family, love, and laughter.

So, if you have any painting needs, contact the Friendly Valley Painter today and see how Pam can help!

Contact information:

Phone: 515-518-6362



Steamboat Rock, IA